She Finally Arrived… And It’s With A Bang – Year 2019

As I mentioned before, my excitement for this year arriving has been nothing like before. And yes it landed just as exciting.

“…since my goal is to surprise myself, scratch that, astonish myself…”

So, one of the new year’s to-dos I set for myself is: To do as many possible things different from the way I’d usually do. I figured, since my goal is to surprise myself, scratch that, astonish myself; then if I go opposite from my usual as much &/ many times as possible that should at the very least get me in the ball park of my goal.

And I started putting this plan of mine in action from New Year’s eve. I’ve carried on with it – acting out of the comfort zone – daily since then. You will never guess where this new adventure has me now….

“…I grabbed the opportunity before the words were even thinking of becoming cold.

On the 8th January 2019, I had visitors in my house. They were not even my visitors, it was the first time I ever met them. Needless to say, conversation and socializing went so very well that they ended up offering me a Great Business Opportunity. And since I’ve been doing things differently, and it has been exciting, I grabbed the opportunity before the words were even thinking of becoming cold.

Have you guessed it yet?! I doubt it.

“… it is as if I designed it myself.”

As I got to hear more about what this opportunity entails, I couldn’t believe it. This business opportunity has everything I have ever wished for! As I said to my wife, it is as if I designed it myself. All the things I have wished for over the years, the very same I couldn’t see how would I manage to get all, never mind, all-in-one. Here they were, in my house, brought by the people I’m interacting with for the first time, all wrapped in one pretty little bow. All I needed to do was show up and interact. That’s it!

Now I am sitting at this new business place, listening to the beautiful quiet evening, hearing crickets chirping outside, the owl hooting, the wind and the ocean sounding beautiful. Not to mention the amazing things I saw in this city when I arrived.

Needless to say, I am star struck with awe. And every time I think I have it down, it shows me another surprise out of the very same box. This for me is just a surprise gift that keeps giving more surprises – great surprises!

And we are only on the 10th day of the new year. I can’t wait to see what astonishing is going to look like, if the present looks like this.

…”Wow. I’m truly in awe!”

I hope this year has also brought you what you have been working for. And additional positive surprises never hurt anyone.

I can’t wait to see how mine(the year) keeps unfolding. And I will be sharing those developments here.

Thank you for sharing in my moment. I wish you well.

Autistic Lady Jey

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